The Mechanical Seal Division of the ESA is a forum to permit manufacturers and users to discuss current and new questions and requirements in relation to the use of mechanical seals and their incorporation into sealing systems.
In close cooperation with our US based partner organisation the Fluid Sealing Association (FSA) we have created a worldwide base for this activity.
All major international suppliers for this vital machine element are members of the Division.
The main focus of the work concentrates on:
- Early identification of national and international requirements influencing the use of mechanical seals / sealing systems and subsequent information of the members.
- Influencing the development of relevant technical standards and legislation by cooperation with national and international bodies including: European Commission, European IPPC Bureau, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), American Petroleum Institute (API), Bundesumweltamt (UBA), British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA), Verband Deutscher Maschinen und Anlagenbau (VDMA) and many others.
- Provision of definitive statements and documents relating to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and accompanying Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BREF’s). The ESA Fugitive Emissions Reduction Document details the technology and best practice for selection and maintenance of Sealing Devices to reduce emissions to atmosphere.
- Raising the profile of this sector of the sealing industry by maintaining close contact with other relevant organisations such as BPMA, VDMA, Europum, Hydraulic Institute (HI) etc and cooperation with independent technical experts and notified bodies.
All of this work takes place in regular division meetings, special task forces and national / international telephone conferences.
Protecting the Environment
The reduction or even prevention of emissions of any kind into the environment is critical and the drive towards this leads to more and more stringent requirements for sealing devices, targeting zero emissions and minimised energy consumption.
These requirements are described in a multitude of national and international legislation and industrial regulations. The mechanical seal, as part of defined sealing systems, is an important device in the protection of the environment and at the same time helping to reduce the necessary energy consumption to do so.
The members of the ESA Mechanical Seals Division actively support users of their products to achieve their targets through their design and manufacturing expertise and service. They also work together to ensure Best Practice in all aspects which affect the industry.
ESA position statements have been created concerning:
– Summary Overview of API 682 4th Ed. (A more detailed document, along with references, is available in the Members Area.)
– Regulation EC 1935/2004, Article 16
– ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and its applicability to Bearing Isolator Seals
– Machinery Directive 98/37/EC and 2006/42/EC
– Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC
Other major activities within the group have had significant influence on ISO Standards, API Regulations, IPPC documents and BREF notes through the ESA Fugitive Emissions Reduction Document.