Dear ESA members,
sadly we are having to cancel the ESA AGM scheduled for the 5/6/7th May because of the increasing personal risks and indirect effects of the new coronavirus. The impact on travel arrangements, changes in company travel policies and individual choices mean that we cannot hold off making a decision any longer. Whilst the financial exposure for the ESA is not the most serious consideration the deadline for avoiding cancellation costs is also imminent. As the spread of the virus appears to be becoming more serious and without knowing how the situation will develop we believe that we are acting in the best interests of both individuals and the ESA at this time.
If you have already booked a room at the Savoyen Hotel then this has now been cancelled for you. You should have received a confirmation from the hotel. If you are in doubt please contact either myself or the hotel directly. The Hotel is contacting everyone at this moment. I am not aware of any other hotels being used but if they are then you will need to cancel any arrangements directly with them.
We hope to reschedule the meeting for later in the year and we will keep you posted on this. We are also requesting that ESA face to face meetings be cancelled and that online meetings are held instead. The ESA has a GoTo Meeting account that I can set up for you instead of travelling if this helps.
I wish that there was another alternative but as we have watched the position unfolding it has become necessary to take this step. My apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Mark Neal
Secretary General